主要針對xbox gampad設定檔,來比較他們內容的差別
Default context
Classic context
Control pad
Control pad with yaw
Advanced Control pad
Advanced Control pad 2
Default context |
Classic context |
Control pad | Control pad with yaw |
Advanced Control pad |
Advanced Control pad 2 |
LStick | roll/pitch (headlock: look) |
roll/pitch | roll/pitch | roll/pitch | roll/pitch | roll/pitch |
RStick | yaw/vert (alt: lat/vert) |
lat/vert (alt: yaw/vert) (headlook: look) |
lat/vert (headlook: look) |
yaw/vert (headlook: look) |
yaw/vert (headlook: look) |
yaw/vert (headlook: look) |
LT/RT | Fire2/1 | <– | <– | <– | Fire2/1 (Landing: lat thrust) |
<– |
LB/RB | throttle-/+ | <– | <– | <– | <– | <– |
L3/R3 |
Alt control /
<– | (N/A) headlook |
(N/A) headlook |
Boost / |
Boost / headlook |
Dpad | Power distribution | <– | <– | <– | <– | <– |
Start | game menu | <– | <– | <– | <– | (N/A) |
Select | CQC score | <– | Hardpoints deploy | <– | (N/A) | |
A | Target ahead U:Traget subsys D:Target threat L: Target next R: Target hostile LB/RB: Sensor Zoom-+ (鎖定系統) |
Fire group next U: SupercruiseD: Hyperspace L/R: Map galaxy/SystemLB: Silent running RB: Flight assist |
Fire group next | <– |
U:Hardpoints deploy D: Heatsink (武器系統) |
U: Hardpoints deploy R: Fire group next LB: HeatsinkRB: Silent running(武器系統) |
B | Boost U: Cargo scoopD: Landing gear L: Ship LightsR: Camera SuitLB: Silent running RB: Flight assist (飛行系統) |
Boost |
<– |
D: FSD |
U: Target hostile D: Target subsys L: Target wingman’s R: Target next LB: Target threat RB: Target ahead(鎖定系統) |
X | Hardpoints deploy Dpad: Ship Panel switch LB/RB: Fire group prev/next (武器和HUD) |
Cockpit mode Dpad: Ship Panel switch RB: Hardpoints deploy |
Ship Panel Focus (HUD) |
<– |
U: Cargo scoop |
U: Speed 50% D: Speed 0% R: FSD LB: Flight assist RB: Discovery open |
Y | FSD U: Cockpit mode D: SupercruiseL/R: Map galaxy/System LB/RB: Discovery/FSS open |
Target ahead |
Target ahead (鎖定系統) |
<– |
U: Target ahead |
Dpad: Ship Panel switch LB: Landing gear RB: Cargo scoop |
Control pad設定是最簡化的,完全沒用到組合鍵
而Control pad with yaw則跟Control pad完全一樣,只差在把lateral thrust換成yaw而已
Advanced Control pad / Advanced Control pad 2這兩組
名字和Control pad相似但卻沒多大關係
Default context / Classic context這兩組
Control Pad系列的都不行 (其實只是一個設定值沒打開)
個人推薦使用Default context這組,再自己稍作修改就蠻好用了