QT Creator設定 – Embedding of the UI Class
Options > Designer > Class Generation
.Embedding of the UI Class (UI Class嵌入方式)
– Aggregation as a pointer member (以指標成員方式聚合)
– Aggregation (聚合)
– Multiple inheritance (多重繼承)
Options > Designer > Class Generation
.Embedding of the UI Class (UI Class嵌入方式)
– Aggregation as a pointer member (以指標成員方式聚合)
– Aggregation (聚合)
– Multiple inheritance (多重繼承)
一般作業系統提供的VPN有分PPTP/L2TP/IPSec/SSL幾種,像是Windows XP(非 Server版)也提供了容易使用的PPTP的VPN Server功能。不知怎麼設定的話,可以參考”認真打雜好青年日誌”的“如何使用windows xp設定vpn server”,寫的非常清楚。 (有用ip分享器之類玩意的話,防火牆記得要開洞哦)
不過以上都是順便提的啦,這篇的重點是要以PPTP為例,說明Ubuntu 10.4 VPN Client方面的設定。
The AutoHotkey has great documentation but because of some pages are only available behind links in the content , it might be inconvenience for people who want to read through, and sometimes it is hard to find a particular topic, too. so I rearranged a index page, hope it would be clearer.
Some Monitors don’t provide enough choices for the resolutions and it is very inconvenient in many situations. For example, my Dell E248 is a 16:10 widescreen monitor, but It provides only one 16:10 resolution(1920×1200, the native resolution), other resolutions of this monitor are all 4:3(VESA standard) or 5:4 resolutions. This annoyed me very much when I was playing games, because it’s very hard for games to run smoothly with such a high resolution like 1920×1200, and there are no other 16:10 resolutions available.
有些螢幕提供的解析度選擇很少,有些情況下使用上會造成一些問題。比如我那顆Dell E248是個16:10寬螢幕,可是他卻只提供了一個16:10解析度!(1920×1200, 原生解析度),其它能選的全是些4:3或5:4的解析度。這讓我非常的不爽,特別是在我要打電動的時候。因為我用的又不是外星人等級的電腦,那有辦法讓每個遊戲都跑到1920×1200這種解析度啊!?而且又沒有其它16:10的解析度可以選!
Logitech SetPoint 5.20/6.00設定檔無法自動切換問題
It seems to be a common problem that the “Switch profiles automatically using Application Detection” in the Profile Manager of SetPoint doesn’t work on Vista/Win7 x64.
The problem with Logitech SetPoint 5.20/6.00 (APP auto detection not working properly)Read More »