The problem with Logitech SetPoint 5.20/6.00 (APP auto detection not working properly)

Logitech SetPoint 5.20/6.00設定檔無法自動切換問題

It seems to be a common problem that the “Switch profiles automatically using Application Detection” in the Profile Manager of SetPoint doesn’t work on Vista/Win7 x64.

This problem may due to the loading time of KHALMNPR.exe(Logitech Hardware Abstraction Layer). SetPointII.exe should never be launched before KHALMNPR.exe was completely loaded. It causes the APP auto detection not working. But It seems SetPoint software didn’t consider much about the loading time between these two program.

If you got this problem, try to stop SetPointII.exe in the task manager, restart it again (from the SetPoint installation path). If it solves the problem, you can delete the SetPoint shortcut in Start>Run, and Use Schedule Manager instead to launch SetPointII.exe for a 10~30 sec delay on system startup.

通常會發生在Vista/Win7 x64。

羅技的驅動程式裏面用了一個叫KHALMNPR.exe(Logitech Hardware Abstraction Layer)的東西,這應該是為了讓自家各程式都能夠呼叫所作的一個共通介面。如果SetPoint的偵測程式(SetPointII.exe)在KHALMNPR.exe載入完成之前就被執行,程式自動偵測/設定檔自動切換的功能就失效。






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